National Reformation, or A New Social Order
“National Reformation” or “A New Social Order”
Leviticus 1`9:1-2, 9-18; Matthew 22:34-40
A meditation delivered electronically by Rev. Dr. Randy K. Hammer, Oct. 25, 2020
The mid-nineteenth-century English naturalist and philosopher
John Stuart Mill was one of the first to make mention of “a just society.” In fact, in his autobiography, Mill notes
that the creation of a just society had been his life’s objective. As a disclaimer, it has been several years
since I have seriously studied Mill in college philosophy classes, but as I was
reminded of him this past week, it occurred to me that some of Mill’s ideas are
quite eerily relevant for the present day and issues that have gained national
headlines of late; issues such as the equality of women, the distribution of
wealth, poverty, labor, how much power and influence government leaders should
have over the people, the place of peaceful protests to address the wrongs in
society, value of the democratic process, and so on. In reviewing Mill’s work, I found that with a
number of issues he was way ahead of his time, and his views have bearing on
the problems of today.
A just society.
The passage read from Leviticus 19 lends itself to the concept of a just
society. And it happens to be one of the
most significant passages in the entire Hebrew Bible (esteemed by both Jews and
Christians alike). The passage gives
ample advice on how to live an ethical life of devotion and faith.
Indeed, “The ethical teachings of the Old Testament
find their apex in this chapter.”1
Leviticus chapter 19 is one of the highest achievements of any ancient
religion. In large measure, the Ten
Commandments can be deduced from this chapter, yet in a broader and more
accessible and understandable form. The
world would be a much different and better place if societies lived by these
timeless precepts.
In summary, we are given instructions here
regarding how to live in a well-ordered society, how to look upon and treat
those who are poor and the immigrants of our land, instructions on labor
relations, taking care of those who have disabilities, making sure justice is
done in the courts, a call for honesty and integrity and warning against spreading
false information, not seeking revenge, and love for one’s neighbors. If we really took seriously the teachings of
Leviticus 19, it would amount to a national reformation, a whole new social order.
We are told that over the past several months,
during this COVID-19 crisis, the richest individuals in the world have gotten
richer, while the poor of the world have gotten poorer, furthering the economic
gap between the two extremes. Such just
doesn’t seem right, does it? It makes
one ask why the billionaires of the world who continue to grow wealthier
couldn’t give up just a fraction of their wealth to help those at the bottom of
the economic divide who have lost their jobs, their ability to pay their
mortgage or rent, have lost their health insurance, and have no money to put
food on the table. The picture of the
vast divide between the wealthiest of the world and the poorest certainly is
not a picture of a just society!
The second passage read today is one of the most
significant passages in the New Testament.
And in this passage, Jesus says that the verse from Leviticus 19, “love
your neighbor as you love yourself,” constitutes one-half of the summation of
the entire teachings in the Hebrew Law and the Prophets. Indeed, if we only had these two passages,
and sought to faithfully put them into practice, we could live a good life,
pleasing to both God and others. But the
two passages also give good advice about how to achieve a well-ordered, just
Incidentally, these two passages – Leviticus 19 and
Matthew 22:34-40 – happen to be common Lectionary passages for today that will
be read, in some fashion, in thousands of churches across the land. So I didn’t just randomly pick them to get on
my soapbox today.
But it just so happens that these passages are also
quite appropriate for Reformation Sunday, today, which is always the last
Sunday in October, a day that commemorates the great Protestant Reformation
movement that was sparked in large part at least by Martin Luther’s nailing his
95 theses to the front door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on
October 31, 1517. Luther realized that massive
reform was needed in the church and society of his own day. Is American society also not in need of
massive reform, in order to address the serious problems that plague us?
But wait, there’s more! As an added bonus, it seems to me that these
two scripture passages are also most appropriate to consider as we stand just 8
days from national election day.
How wonderful
it would be if Americans had the inclination and fortitude to commit themselves
to the principles contained in these verses, and also to study and vote for the
political candidates whose platforms mirror the principles contained herein:
A vision of a
just society rooted in the principle of justice and opportunity for all, not only
for special interest groups;
Care for the
poor, those without jobs, those without or in danger of losing healthcare;
Care for the
immigrants coming to America to escape poverty, violence, and possibly death;
consideration and respect for those with disabilities;
of those who labor, especially migrant farm workers, many of whom whose existence
borders on modern-day slavery;
Life, business,
and politics based upon honestly and integrity, rather than falsehoods,
flat-out lies, and conspiracy theories;
A commitment
to maintaining respect and order, regardless of the election outcome (many are
concerned that violence may ensue following the election);
And love for neighbors, even those who have a
political sign in their yard opposite to yours.
Yes, this
passage from Leviticus chapter 19 and elevated by Jesus is a rallying cry and
blueprint for a just society and new social order grounded upon the foundation
of empathy, compassion, honesty, equality, justice, respect, forgiveness, and
love. God help us to make it so! Amen.
1New Interpreter’s Study Bible, p. 173.
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